If you wish to record your screen while using an app like Zoom or Keynote, you’ll need to permit the app from the Privacy settings to record the content of your Mac screen. Step 5: After the operation is complete, close the window and check if the problem is solved. Step 4: Click on Continue to confirm your action. Step 2: Inside the Disk Utility window, click on the First Aid option. Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar to open Spotlight Search, type Disk Utility, and press Return. So if you can record your screen but cannot save those recordings on your Mac, we suggest using Disk Utility to repair any inconsistencies with the storage. Screen recordings done using QuickTime Player get saved automatically on your Mac’s storage. Check if you are able to record your Mac’s screen or not. You should now see the Screen Recording Menu Bar at the bottom. Step 4: Select New Screen Recording from the list of options. Step 3: Right-click the QuickTime Player app icon in the Dock. Step 2: Click on Cancel to close the default window that opens on your screen. Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar to open Spotlight Search, type QuickTime Player , and press Return. But for the purpose of this post, here’s how you can use QuickTime Player for screen recording. You can also use QuickTime Player when the Voice Memos app stops working on your Mac. If you cannot start the screen recording using your keyboard shortcut, you can try opening the Screen Recorder manually using QuickTime Player on your Mac. Open Screen Recorder Using QuickTime Player Step 7: Close the Settings window and check if the problem is solved. Step 6: After making all the changes, click on Done in the bottom-right corner. If a new shortcut was added previously, you can click on Restore Defaults to return to the default keyboard shortcut. To change the keyboard shortcut, double-click on it and press the keyboard keys to add a new shortcut. If the shortcut is not enabled, click the checkbox on the left side to enable it. Step 5: Check the keyboard shortcut next to ‘Screenshot and Recording Options.’

Step 4: Click on Screenshots from the left menu in the pop-up window. Step 3: On the right side, click on the Keyboard Shortcuts button.

Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom and click on Keyboard from the left menu. Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar to open Spotlight Search, type System Settings, and press Return. So if the Screen Recorder stops working on your Mac, you’ll need to check whether the keyboard shortcut is still the same. Whenever you want to enable the Screen Recorder tab on your Mac, you can press Command + Shift + 5 to start capturing your screen. Check the Screen Recorder Keyboard Shortcut What if you have to screen-record an important lecture or meeting and the screen recorder stops working? We are here to combat this problem by bringing the best fixes for Screen Recorder not working on Mac.